• 4 Reasons Why You Don’t Get Sex

    Sex isn’t as simple as deciding to eat an ice cream bar. If you want to enjoy an ice cream bar, it’s no big deal to go to a store, buy one, and eat one.…

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  • Why Seniors Give Up on Sex

    In speaking with people, I’ve gotten the impression that some seniors give up on sex. For one reason or another, they stop having sex and over time and lose all desire for sexual contact. I…

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  • How Seniors Can Have More and Better Sex

    How can we have a regular, enjoyable sex life if we’re always too tired at the traditional time we had sex when we were younger, which was at bedtime? One solution is to schedule sex…

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  • How Seniors can be Great Kissers

    Most sexual relationships start with a kiss. A kiss can be one of the most intimate, vulnerable, and sexually arousing actions we can take. Kissing can transition a relationship from “friends” to “lovers.”

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